Thursday, 9 July 2009

Sorry for not posting...

for ages!
Mummy's had so much going on that we just haven't had to time to dust off the computer. As you already know, my paws make it quite impossible to type, so i have to dictate to Mummy.

We have a few minutes to update you all now though, so we'll use it wisely.

We finally have a moving date! Woo hoo! I can't wait, my own back garden at last, no more being stuck on a lead! It's a much bigger house, it has these wierd things Mummy calls "stairs". Whatever they are, they're going to be fun to run up and down :D

Raff is still here, we're getting on much better now, so i'm happy!

We have lots more to tell you, but no time! Tsk.

We'll be back soon.
Love and Kisses, Buffy & Rio (Mummy).